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Sustaining the Heart of the Amazon: An Environmental Conservation Experience in Peru

Immerse yourself in the lush landscapes of the Amazon rainforest, where you’ll join forces with conservation experts and like-minded professionals in transformative projects that protect and restore the delicate balance of this vibrant ecosystem. As a participant, you’ll actively engage in initiatives to combat deforestation, safeguard wildlife, and promote sustainable development within local communities.

Throughout your Amazonian adventure, you’ll gain invaluable insights into the region’s intricate ecology, innovative conservation strategies, and rich cultural heritage. This immersive learning experience will unveil the secrets of this vast and captivating ecosystem while fostering personal growth and expanding your understanding of the interconnectedness of our world.

Your journey in the Amazon will create lasting connections with fellow volunteers, local community members, and the irreplaceable natural treasures you’ll help protect. Embrace this life-changing opportunity to challenge yourself, broaden your horizons, and contribute to the preservation of our planet’s invaluable resources.

In essence, this conservation experience invites you to engage in meaningful work that positively impacts both the environment and the communities that call the Amazon home. As you learn, grow, and forge deep connections, you’ll create cherished memories and play a vital role in safeguarding the future of one of Earth’s most awe-inspiring ecosystems.

The Experience

Your journey begins in the captivating city of Cusco, where you’ll spend the first day acclimating to your new surroundings. During the evening, you’ll attend a comprehensive briefing to meet fellow participants and gain valuable insights into the program, ensuring you’re well-prepared for the adventure ahead.

On your second day, delve into the rich Andean culture as you explore the vibrant Cusco area. Take this opportunity to finalize your supplies and equipment for the upcoming trek through the rainforest, which commences on day three. This spectacular journey will forge connections with locals and provide breathtaking vistas of the Andean landscape.

As you reach your destination on day four, you’ll be warmly welcomed by the local community at dinner. Prior to this, you’ll embark on a guided exploration of the regenerating rainforest, offering your first taste of the lush environment you’ll be working to protect.

Days five through nine will focus on comprehensive training, equipping you with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute effectively to the project. Learn about the local communities, their challenges, and participate in emergency response training. From days 10 to 31, you’ll actively engage in project work from Monday to Saturday, with Sundays off for personal leisure. On day 32, bid farewell to the Biosphere Reserve as you return to Cusco, signing out of the program the following day.

This immersive conservation experience offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the preservation of the Amazon rainforest while engaging with local communities and forging lasting connections. As you learn, grow, and work together, you’ll leave a lasting impact on this precious ecosystem and create cherished memories to last a lifetime.


Upon your arrival at Cusco Airport, you’ll be greeted by our team and transported to the project site. Throughout your stay, you’ll share a comfortable room with up to three other participants, fostering a sense of camaraderie and connection. Fresh bedding is provided weekly, and a mosquito net ensures a peaceful night’s rest amidst the lush jungle surroundings.

Given the remote location, internet access may be sporadic and unreliable at times. While we understand the importance of staying connected with loved ones, embracing this digital detox offers the chance to fully immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the rainforest. If you do find time in your busy schedule to write home, internet use is available at a charge of $5 USD per hour when using solar power.

Indulge in the flavors of Peru with three daily meals, including packed lunches for your days spent working in the field. Meals typically consist of local fare such as rice with sauce, vegetables, soups, and occasional meat dishes. Our team is happy to accommodate dietary restrictions, so please be sure to clearly state your needs on the application form.

Your time at the Biosphere Reserve will offer comfortable accommodations, opportunities for digital detox, and a chance to experience authentic Peruvian cuisine while contributing to vital conservation efforts. As you engage with fellow participants and embrace the unique challenges of such a remote location, you’ll create lasting memories and connections with both the rainforest and its vibrant communities.

The cost of the programme is $2000 for 2 weeks.

This includes;

  • Private Accommodation (depending upon availability)
  • All meals
  • Airport Pickup & transfer to project
  • All project-related activities
  • Premium Support Package with 24/7 Support

This does not include;

  • Flights
  • Visas (if applicable)
  • Vaccinations
  • Travel Insurance
  • Personal spending and any extra activities


Book a Call

Schedule a free call with us to discuss this project in greater detail and answer any questions you may have.