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Oaxaca Coast Conservation Adventure: Immerse in Community, Culture, and Conservation

Trade your daily grind for a transformative 15-day volunteer experience along Mexico’s breathtaking Oaxaca coast. Make a tangible impact on wildlife conservation while discovering the region’s vibrant culture, immersing yourself in nature, and exploring awe-inspiring sights found nowhere else on Earth.

This adventure is tailored for professionals seeking to break free from the constraints of corporate life and rediscover their passion for exploration. You’ll participate in a range of hands-on activities aimed at protecting endangered species, including sea turtles, crocodiles, and jungle wildlife. Witness the incredible mass nesting phenomenon of olive ridley sea turtles—an unforgettable event that occurs on only twelve beaches worldwide.
Support local conservation efforts through beach patrols, wildlife monitoring, and eco-tourism initiatives. Experience the beauty of camping in nature, engage with the local community through environmental workshops, and contribute to sustainable development projects.
Embrace a new adventure with us in Oaxaca, Mexico, and return home with a renewed sense of purpose and an unforgettable connection to the natural world.

The Experience

During your Oaxaca Coast Conservation Adventure, you’ll partake in a range of engaging and meaningful activities, each carefully tailored to make the most significant impact on local wildlife and ecosystems. Here’s a closer look at what you can expect:
Night Beach Patrols: Safeguard the fragile future of sea turtles by joining night patrols along the coast. You’ll help collect and protect turtle eggs, ensuring their safe incubation in our designated hatchery.

Ecotourism Experiences: Embark on boat trips and hiking tours that directly support conservation efforts through essential funding. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking landscapes while actively contributing to the protection of local wildlife.
Environmental Workshops: Share your passion for the environment with local children through interactive educational workshops. Raise awareness about crucial conservation issues, empowering future generations to become stewards of their own natural heritage.

Tree Planting Initiatives: Roll up your sleeves and contribute to reforestation efforts by planting a diverse array of medicinal, fruit, and native trees. Help restore balance to the region’s ecosystems and provide valuable resources for both wildlife and local communities.

Wildlife Monitoring: Get hands-on with wildlife conservation by assisting in the placement and retrieval of photo-trap cameras. Your efforts will help gather essential data on local animal populations and inform future conservation strategies.
Deer and Crocodile Conservation: Support the care and maintenance of white-tailed deer rescued by environmental authorities. You’ll also contribute to the survival of baby crocodiles during their vulnerable first year of life.

Camping in Nature: Connect with the beauty of the great outdoors through camping excursions that double as ecotourism activities. Witness the awe-inspiring Arribada phenomenon of mass sea turtle nesting and explore serene lagoon waters by boat.
Rural Entrepreneurship Projects: Lend a hand to traditional wood-fired oven bread-baking projects that promote sustainable livelihoods in local communities. Experience the rich cultural heritage of Oaxaca while fostering resilience and self-sufficiency.
Additional Activities: Depending on the specific needs at the time of your visit, you may also participate in a variety of other conservation and community development activities. Your flexibility and willingness to lend a hand where needed are invaluable to our mission.

Join us on this life-changing journey to the Oaxaca coast, where you’ll not only make a tangible difference in wildlife conservation but also forge deep connections with local communities and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and breathtaking landscapes that define this extraordinary region.


Our volunteer program offers shared accommodations within the heart of the communities we serve, providing a unique opportunity for authentic cultural immersion as you contribute to conservation efforts. Living in shared rooms within these communities fosters a sense of camaraderie among fellow volunteers and local residents, creating an environment where lifelong friendships can flourish and cultural exchange thrives.

Wake up each day surrounded by the vibrant tapestry of community life, ready to embark on meaningful conservation activities that make a tangible difference. Whether you’re participating in night patrols to protect sea turtles or leading environmental workshops for local children, every moment is an opportunity to create positive change while deepening your connection with the community.
As part of your volunteer experience, you’ll also have the chance to savor the rich flavors of Oaxacan cuisine. Three wholesome meals will be provided each working day, thoughtfully prepared by a local Oaxacan cook. Our team works closely with the cook to lend a helping hand whenever possible, ensuring that mealtimes are not only delicious but also reflective of the vibrant culinary traditions of the region.

The cost of the programme is £2000 for 15 days.

This includes;

  • Shared Accommodation 
  • All meals
  • Airport Pickup & transfer to project
  • All project-related activities
  • Premium Support Package with 24/7 Support

This does not include;

  • Flights
  • Visas (if applicable)
  • Vaccinations
  • Travel Insurance
  • Personal spending and any extra activities

Book a Call

Schedule a free call with us to discuss your exact interests and requirements to help us match you with the perfect project for you.