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Microfinance Pilot Project in Swaziland: Empowering Communities and Building Sustainable Businesses

Join our Microfinance Pilot Project in the Kingdom of Swaziland, a unique opportunity for experienced professionals seeking to make a meaningful impact abroad. Swaziland faces significant challenges, including the world’s highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rate, high unemployment, and widespread poverty. Social enterprises and small businesses play a crucial role in strengthening the economy and improving livelihoods.

Funding has recently been secured to support a microfinance initiative. We are now seeking skilled interns to contribute their expertise to its development and implementation. As an intern, you will work closely with our Neighborhood Care Points (NCPs) in rural areas, which cater to vulnerable children. NCPs are community-based facilities that depend on local volunteers and aim to create long-lasting change.  

The Experience

As a valued member of the Microfinance Pilot Project, you will work closely with our Neighbourhood Care Points (NCPs) in rural Swaziland, which cater to vulnerable children and are run by local volunteers. Your primary focus will be to develop educational workshops and provide essential support to enable community members to establish and maintain sustainable businesses.

Working alongside the NCP and Sponsorship Coordinator, you will have the opportunity to design and facilitate workshops on key business concepts such as marketing strategies, financial management, and product development. These workshops will equip community members with the tools they need to develop their business ideas and secure microfinance loans.

Furthermore, you will play a crucial role in creating a system to evaluate and award microfinance loans to new community groups. Your expertise will contribute to the development of project guidelines and protocols, ensuring that the allocation of funds is fair, transparent, and effective in promoting economic growth. Your contributions don’t stop there. As a mentor, you will offer ongoing support to new businesses, helping them navigate challenges and achieve long-term success. By sharing your knowledge and skills, you will empower community members to take control of their financial futures and improve their overall quality of life.

Your responsibilities may include:

  • Developing educational workshops on marketing, finance, and business development
  • Assisting in creating project guidelines and protocols Supporting the NCP Coordinator with data analysis and reporting
  • Preparing periodic evaluation reports for the organisation

If you are a committed professional with experience in finance, business development, or a related field, this internship presents an opportunity to apply your expertise to a meaningful cause. Join us in Swaziland and contribute to lasting change for communities in need.


Your accommodation in Eswatini will be at our NEW volunteer house, conveniently located near our headquarters and the renowned Lidwala Lodge in the Ezulwini Valley, just 15 minutes from Mbabane. The surrounding Lobamba, Ezulwini, and Mahlanya communities offer various cultural sites and activities such as the Royal Palace, Houses of Parliament, National Sports Stadium, and National Museum.

During the project, you’ll enjoy three meals a day, with a mix of self-serve and prepared options. Communal meals are served on the deck, fostering camaraderie among participants. Breakfast and lunch offer a variety of foods like cereals, bread, fruit, yogurt, eggs, and spreads, while dinner features cooked dishes such as pasta, stir-fry, braai, and stew. Dietary requirements, including vegetarian preferences and food allergies, will be accommodated.

The cost of the programme is £1600 for 2 weeks. This includes;

  • Private Accommodation (depending upon availability)
  • All meals
  • Airport Pickup & transfer to project
  • All project-related activities
  • Premium Support Package with 24/7 Support

This does not include;

  • Flights
  • Visas (if applicable)
  • Vaccinations
  • Travel Insurance
  • Personal spending and any extra activities

Book a Call

Schedule a free call with us to discuss your exact interests and requirements to help us match you with the perfect project for you.